vrijdag 2 oktober 2009

Credit ratings in the future

Due to the credit crunch we have lost faith in our investment system. Can the credit ratings give us our faith back in the future? It's possible, but investors want first of all relatively stable credit ratings so that they can avoid excessive volatility. From that fact ratings can also be a measure of credit stability. Second, investors would like to use the ratings as a consistent benchmark of credit risk, which involves that all types of ratings have to be performed in a broadly, comparable way. Further on, they want to be able to really analyse and evaluate ratings. At last investors think rating providers should compete fairly and freely, only based on their analytical value of their research and opinions.

Eleni Buysse
Source: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/38c412b8-ae9f-11de-96d7-00144feabdc0,dwp_uuid=39f40fe4-a6a2-11de-bd14-00144feabdc0.html?nclick_check=1

1 opmerking:

Steff zei

Overall: longer than the required 4sentences

S2: ok content and good idea to use a question. A more idiomatic option would have been 'Can credit ratings restore our faith in...?'

S5: Further on --> in addition, additionally,...
S6: at last --> finally;

Good linking & accurate