zaterdag 3 oktober 2009

Farmer's income cut in half

This is the second year in a row that farmers will have a historically low earning.
Agricultural product became substantially cheaper, causing the profit margins to evaporate. Low-priced forage, fertilizer & energy neutralize this effect, nevertheless has a farmer half the income he had 2 years ago! The Boerenbond estimates this income at 14.451 euro, which is 63 percent less then the average flemish employee earns.

Simon Buysse

1 opmerking:

Steff zei

S1: have historicallly low earnings
S2: productS
S2: good use of ..., causing...
S3: internal inconsistency in meaning with S2
S3: Dutch word order in second part of the sentence
S4: 14,451
S4: euroS
S4: less thAn
S4: Flemish

Clear focus, unclear flow (link S2-S3) and too many accuracy issues.