dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Man the guillotine, sign the death panels.

Death panels, a horrific term, but it’s the brand new remedy to the ‘moral hazard’ that triggered today’s economic slump. The idea is that regulators and banks will be forced to organize themselves so that it will be easier to execute the ‘bad’ firms in order to keep the economy healthy. This concept should involve lower monetary loss for civilians when future banks get into trouble. These new laws are ought to give people their confidence back in order to revive the whole economy!

Arne De Cloet

Source: www.economist.com/businessfinance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=14558456

1 opmerking:

Scico zei

S4: these new laws ought to give...
S4 leave out 'in order'; it's superfluous

clear story, good flow