woensdag 7 oktober 2009

Recession, it's not all bad.

While some companies have real problems staying alive during a recession or even go bankrupt, their are also those who take advantage of the situation. Numerous studies have shown that there are 3 different strategies to get trough the ruff patch unharmed and even grow during these times of despair. First there are the ones who benefit from the problems of other companies to negotiate better deals than during a boom ( up to 15% more return to shareholders). The second successful strategy is to use the turmoil to reposition yourself in the marketplace and finally there are companies that realize the key to survival isn’t economizing but innovating.

Philippe Blancquaert

1 opmerking:

Scico zei

S2: through
S2: rough

Clear focus; you manage to say a lot in few words and yet remain good flow and readability: well done.