donderdag 1 oktober 2009

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

KBC’s business structure is threatened to change drastically, possibly losing some of its subsidiaries and even shutting down KBC Financial Products, one of its specialists in derivatives that is responsible for the CDO’s that caused a lot of troubles for the bank. Yesterday, the plan was presented to the European Commission, who demanded the reorganization in exchange for the government subsidy the member countries gave to save KBC. KBC Bank of Ireland and even the Belgian bank Centea are likely to be sold. The plan consist of several proposals, but there is not yet a definitive agreement.

Jens Demarée


1 opmerking:

Steff zei

Content-wise a clear account, but some accuracy and flow issues.

S1: too long as a starting sentence to grab attention. Focus on a single message and add the details in the body of the paragraph.

S1: a lot of trouble

S2: reinsert 'that' between subsidy and the member countries: it is more reader-friendly in a long sentence.

S4: The plan consistS

S4: better: there is no definitive agreement yet.