dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

Bye bye Dow(n) Jones

Stocks bounced back from their worst week ever with one of their best performances in history as everybody cheered a global cash infusion designed to bring relief the credit market and avoid a global meltdown. The gains of Monday were almost universal, with all but 3 of the Nasdaq 100 gaining and one 1 of the Dow 30 declining. These gains did effect commodities like crude oil and gold, in receptive order a decline and a gain. But the biggest question still remains: " Is this the end of the crisis?" Probably not, but it's a start.


Frederic Blockeel

1 opmerking:

Steff zei

Well-done. Very elegant and smooth language, no literal borrowing from source as far as I can see...
Not exactly a timeless news item, though.
1st sentence: perhaps add a time indication? + 'TO the credit market'
'in receptive order'?