dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

Retirement cost to hit £1 million for those over 100

Rising retirement costs will be a big problem for all people living in this economical turmoil. These costs will triple within the next two decades due to longevity and the rising food and fuel bills. By the middle of this century, the cost of retirement could exceed £1.3 million if the rate of inflation remains at current levels for someone living to 100. People are forced to take a long term look at their financial situation if they would like to have a comfortable older life, without the need of selling their houses to pay for their retirement.

Ulrich De Bleecker


1 opmerking:

Steff zei

Great text, interesting topic.
'in this economical turmoil' --> 'in today's economic turmoil' (not clear what 'this' refers to)

longevity? Better: 'increased life expectancy'
no 'the' needed before 'rising bills'
'for someone living to 100' should be placed immediately after 'the cost of retirement'