dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

Request for new accouting rules

The EU’s top regulator proposed Europe to change the current accounting rules to give the European Banks more flexibilty in the case of assets. The new rules would ensure that banks in the EU have the same conditions as banks in the US. Individual banks could move assets from their trading books to their banking books, thanks to the (possible) changes of the accounting rules. Banks and markets commissioners are hoping that Europe will accept the request.

Nathan Braeckmans

Source: Financial Times (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c2842994-9568-11dd-aedd-000077b07658,dwp_uuid=bd2f85d2-8e90-11db-a7b2-0000779e2340.html)

1 opmerking:

Steff zei

HAS proposed
market commissioners instead of marketS ...
request: not very clear what you refer to - better the 'regulator's proposal'?